
Stoxen图书馆为学生提供单独学习和完成作业的空间 和协作. 图书馆 users can find information and inspiration in our large 收集书籍、期刊、媒体、电子资源和数据库. 专业 library staff 是可用的 for information and research needs. Stoxen图书馆提供 台式电脑和笔记本电脑. Printing, photocopying, scanning, Wi-Fi, and fax services 是可用的. 社区 members are welcome at Stoxen图书馆.


搜索 books, articles, media, and more.





You must have a valid DSU ID to check out library materials.


  • 书籍- 28天
  • 刊物- 7天
  • 视频,cd和dvd - 5天
  • Reserve materials – set by the instructor

The library staff may recall books after two weeks. 如果您收到召回通知 其他读者需要的资料,请在五天内归还.

You may renew books twice unless others need the items. 续期两次后,您必须续期 把书还给图书馆. If you still need them, you can check out the books again. 图书馆将视逾期未还或未续借的图书为逾期图书 和失去.

如果你在六周内不归还逾期资料,图书馆将予以追究 replacement procedures for the lost items. You will be billed the cost of the replacement 加上处理费. If you refuse to pay the bill or return the overdue materials, the library shall refer the issue to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

体育彩票外围提供馆际互借服务 students and to current 体育彩票外围 faculty and staff. 所有其他赞助人 will be charged $15 per request. This fee is due upon submitting the interlibrary 贷款请求. (可能会收取额外费用).

斯托森图书馆的电脑是用来支持教学和研究活动的 of 体育彩票外围 students, faculty, and staff.

如果别人在等你,你应该把自己在电脑上的时间限制在30分钟以内 使用它们. If you’re using a computer for purposes other than research, the library may ask you to give the computer to someone needing to use it for research.

North Dakota University System’s policies for additional guidelines regarding the use of computers.

Stoxen图书馆 has a fax machine which can send and receive documents. 我们的机器 is located at the main circulation desk. You can send and receive materials here and can pick up copies during library hours.

发送或接收文件,您将收取1美元的第一页和$.50 每增加一页.

图书馆不收取DSU教职员工发送或接收工作文件的费用. DSU personnel must present a DSU ID to avoid fees.

Stoxen图书馆 staff do not deliver faxed materials. We will try to contact you and 要么把所有材料放在主借阅台,要么放在适当的地方 校园邮箱.

请注意,传真机不在限制区域内,收到的传真可能会被限制 被别人看到.

保护您查看和阅读材料的权利,而不必担心被入侵、恐吓、 or reprisal is a core value for all librarians. To safeguard your privacy in your 使用图书馆,斯托森图书馆保持图书馆记录的机密性. 此外,州和联邦隐私法保护学生记录,包括图书馆记录 借贷记录.

Stoxen图书馆 does not share registration and circulation records. 登记记录 包括图书馆要求您提供的访问或借阅资料的任何信息. 循环记录 包括所有识别您借阅或访问特定的信息 资料或资料.

斯托森图书馆遵循北达科他州大学的一般保留时间表 System for circulation records, which is the Current Fiscal Year + 3 years. 老 记录被撕碎了.

The library shreds computer sign-in sheets on a regular basis.

没有适当的司法命令,图书馆工作人员不得向任何人透露您的身份 and permission from the designated university administrative officer. 缺席时 这类司法命令或大学行政许可,向谁提供信息 将被拒绝的包括,但不限于,教职员工(包括图书馆 (除履行指定职责外)、家长、学生、校园安全、 police, FBI agents, and military personnel.

图书馆须将所有索取上述资料的要求转介予图书馆署长 图书馆服务.

由于空间允许,我们将把捐赠的物品添加到斯托森图书馆的资料收集中 当他们符合大学的教学和研究需要时. In 根据美国图书馆协会的规定,图书馆试图通过其馆藏, 在促进自由交流的过程中提供尽可能广泛的观点 的想法. We will not censor the selection of gift materials. 然而,为了维持 一个合理平衡的馆藏,图书馆可能只保留少数关键资源 that represent the views of major spokespersons of special interest groups. 此外, 有限的收藏空间要求我们在接受时要有高度的选择性 gifts to the materials 集合s.

我们接受材料的理解是,没有限制条件或 restrictions regarding the usage of the gifts. Once accepted, gift items become the property of the library and may not be reclaimed by the donor. 未添加的项目 收藏品可以出售,所得款项用于购买额外所需的材料.

图书馆可以拒绝我们认为不适合Stoxen图书馆资料的项目 集合. 礼物 that do not meet the 集合 criteria include damaged, old, or outdated materials; old textbooks; duplicates; periodicals that the library already owns; and materials in subject areas that do not support teaching or research in DSU 研究领域.

如有需要,图书馆将对所有加入资料的礼物作出确认 集合 on behalf of the university. The library cannot offer 集合 appraisals, nor estimate the value of a gift. The Internal Revenue Service considers the library 或者图书馆员工是利益相关方,因此他们无法评估捐赠. 捐赠者可能希望参考美国国税局出版物#561,确定捐赠的价值 财产. 捐助者 will need to obtain an appraisal from a private source.

All Stoxen图书馆 materials, equipment, furniture, etc. 是国家的财产吗 北达科他州. Anyone who damages or tampers with these materials and/or attempts 未经授权从Stoxen图书馆移走这些物品可能会失去图书馆的特权 or may be prosecuted for: Theft (North Dakota Century Code 12.1-23-02).

Stoxen图书馆使用安全系统来维护图书馆资料的安全. 任何拒绝接受材料检查的人,一旦警报响起,将被考虑 to demonstrate intent to steal items from the library. 一旦警报响起, 如果有人拒绝检查,校园保安和/或迪金森警察局 将被传唤. Signage is posted indicating that all materials must be checked out or a $100 fine will be levied.

如果发现有人损坏或篡改了斯托森图书馆 财物或有人企图擅自搬移,将事件报告一人 of the following people for the appropriate disciplinary action:

  • 图书馆馆长将处理所有的盗窃和损坏报告,并将决定 appropriate disciplinary action. As deemed necessary, the Director will involve the 教务长/教务处副主任,负责涉及教职工的事务. 此外, 主任将根据需要与教务长/学生事务副校长一起参与 in theft and damage problems involving students.
  • 在图书馆服务处处长规定的一段时间内,该人士将不获准许 能够检查材料. Suspension from the university may result at the discretion of the Provost/Vice President of Student Affairs.

18岁以上的社区成员可以使用他们的狄金森公共图书馆卡 to check out materials at Stoxen图书馆. A Special Borrower card can be issued to 出示有效的北达科他州驾照并注明当地地址. This card is valid for one year, is free of charge, and may be renewed.

  • You may check out up to eight books and five dvd at a time.
  • You may not request an interlibrary loan or check out equipment.
  • You are allowed access to library databases while on campus.

You may request access to DSU’s wireless internet. 你必须提供你的姓名和 连接DSU. Guest logins are provided to the school or office requesting access for their guest(s) from Information Technology Services.